New District Hospitals
New Rural Health Centres
New Beds


Healthcare for Everyone

With new facilities being built all around the country, this project will bring better healthcare to everyone.

Improved Healthcare Facilities

These new facilities will be the backbone to helping maintain healthy communities and districts to where they are built.  A healthy community is a productive community.

More Jobs for Local People

Local contractors will be used to support the build of the project, providing a positive impact to the local economy.

District Hospitals & Rural Health Centres

Working in Collaboration

The Zimbabwean Ministry of Health and Child Care, in collaboration with NMS Infrastructure Limited is looking to deliver five new 60-bed District Hospitals and thirty new 20-bed Health Centres; forming part of a greater plan to bring quality healthcare to all Zimbabweans.

Latest News

ZBC Tour Mataga

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ZBC News have recently been touring the newly built hospitals. They broadcasted this from Mataga Health Centre.

Official Opening of Runyararo Health Centre

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Last week the hospital at Runyararo, Zimbabwe, was officially opened by Vice President Kembo Mohadi. This modern, fully equipped health centre will bring much needed facilities to a rural area…

Minister Visits Runyararo

| Built to Care, Mini Hospitals, News | No Comments
On December 14th we had the pleasure of welcoming Hon Dr.Douglas Mombeshora, Minister of Health and Childcare, to ourRunyararo Health Centre in Chimanimani. He was shown aroundthe facility by Alistair…